Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sweeney Todd

Stars: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter & Alan Rickman
Director: Tim Burton
Writers: John Logan & Stephen Sondheim
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 116 minutes
Year: 2007

Johnny Depp and music, two of my favourite things in a movie that I have seen many times. I think that there was a period of time where I watched this movie every night for a month. Grades are for Acting, Plot and Writing and are out of 10 added up and given a percentage. Grade meanings are:

A+- Now that`s how you make a movie. Hide this from everyone else.
A- Great movie. Should be bought by all movie fans.
B+- Above average movie. Should be watched by all
B- Good movie. True fans of movies should buy. Casual viewers don`t need to.
C+- Average movie. Rent dont buy.
C- Ok movie. Rent if nothing else available.
D+- Bad movie. Rentable by someone who will watch anything.
D- Horrible movie. Don`t rent and don`t watch.
F- Is this a movie. Don`t even go near this movie.

Let's get to it.

Main Actors:

Johnny Depp- While this is a great movie it is not one of my favourite Johnny acting jobs. That is not to say that it is not great because it is, just not on par with some of his best. Sweeney is a sick and twisted person while still managing to be vulnerable and searching for love. The ability to portray two types of people in one is a Johnny Depp staple. The singing adds to the job that Johnny does and adds another element to the chracter of Sweeney Todd. Grade: 9 out of 10.

Helena Bonham Carter- Her portrayal of Mrs. Lovett is spot on and king of keeps you guessing about her loyalties throughout the movie. Her desperate search for love makes her much like Sweeney himself the only problem is that she harmed those Sweeney loved. The twist that she would do anything to get Sweeney was played great by Helena and for that alone she deserves to be recognized. Grade: 8 out of 10.

Alan Rickman- Playing the judge in this movie puts Alan into the role that he fits best. The villian who is out for himself and will do anything to get it. His acting is great but many of his characters seem to be the same all the time. Not focusing on that i enjoyed the character and enjoyed every time that Alan was on the screen. Grade: 8.5 out of 10.

The Plot:

The plot to this movie is well thought up and exciting but not original to the movie. The idea that all the characters can be considered bad and that there are not just black and white but shades of gray is great. All the characters do what they do because of the search for love. Grade: 8 out of 10.

The Writing:

This is written well enough but truthfully it does not deserve that much credit because it does not need that much writing. It is not original and many of the lines were probably already written in the play version of the movie. Any additions have to be congradulated though. Grade: 7 out of 10.


A twisted movie that brings about many feelings. There is humor, love and death all rolled into one and that makes this film accesible to many different age groups and many deifferent types of people. Grade: 40.5 out of 50 which is 81%=A

Until next time, Have fun and watch something great.

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