Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Edward Scissorhands

Stars: Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder & Dianne Wiest
Director: Tim Burton
Writers: Tim Burton & Caroline Thompson
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 105 minutes
Year: 1990

Ok another Johnny Depp and another of my top five favourite movies along with Benny and Joon which I have already done and three more which I hope to get to today. Grades as always for Actors, Plot and Writing out of ten, added together and given a percentage. Meaning of grades are as follows:

A+- Now that`s how you make a movie. Hide this from everyone else.
A- Great movie. Should be bought by all movie fans.
B+- Above average movie. Should be watched by all
B- Good movie. True fans of movies should buy. Casual viewers don`t need to.
C+- Average movie. Rent dont buy.
C- Ok movie. Rent if nothing else available.
D+- Bad movie. Rentable by someone who will watch anything.
D- Horrible movie. Don`t rent and don`t watch.
F- Is this a movie. Don`t even go near this movie.

Ok, here we go.

Main Actors:

Johnny Depp- This is the movie that made me see the amazing facial acting of Johnny Depp. The range of emotions that Johnny is able to convey through simple looks is astonishing. He can seem sad, hurt and lonely at the same time while being happy and this can all be seen in his face. Edward does not speak a lot but when he does the pain in his voice tells a life story that can make anyone feel for this man. One of the best acting jobs of all time. Grade: 10 out of 10 and only cause I can't give it higher.

Winona Ryder- A wondeful actress in many movies that I have seen but just does not live up to the abilty I have seen from her. The scenes that she is in feel almost false and she is unable to make me care. The one scene that she is good in is the hugging scene between her and Edward but even in that scene it is more about the pain in Edward's face and not about her. Grade: 6.5 out of 10.

Dianne Wiest- Well this is an interesting one since I can't be sure if her acting is supposed to be fake or if she is just not that great of an actress. Since I cannot be sure I will assume it is a little of both and give her a middle type mark for her portrayal of the Avon Lady. Grade: 7.5 out of 10.

The Plot:

Tim Burton is a freaking genius and it is shown in this movie. The idea of a man with scissors for hands is not the amazing thing here because that is not what the movie is truly about. This is a movie about acceptance and fitting in. The town is unable to accept Edward because he is different and in the end he is cast from the town. The views of the world are shown in this movie as so many people would react this same way to someone different and many societies have acted this way in the past. Grade: 8.5 out of 10.

The Writing:

Relatively well written and the dialogue helps to move the story along. However, the story does not need the writing as much to help carry along the meaning. The main character barely speaks and uses his facial expressions instead of his words. When the words are used it helps but as i said they are not the big factor of the movie. Grade: 7.5 out of 10.


The movie is a wonderful feel good experience that the whole family can enjoy. Overall Grade: 40 out of 50 which is 80%=A.

Until next time, have fun and watch something great.

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